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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Computers

Unless a student has violated the Acceptable Use Policy, under no circumstance should access to technology be used for discipline, i.e. taking a computer for talking in class. We would not take a student’s textbook away to discipline, in the same vein; we would not deny a student’s access to curriculum through technology either.


The use of school equipment is a privilege, not a right. CCSD has an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which every staff member and student is responsible to follow. As an employee of CCSD working at a school district facility, you have certain responsibilities to ensure that the materials and services that you access while serving as an employee are educationally appropriate.  When you or your students are utilizing the Internet as a part of your school instructional activities, you must:

  1. Supervise all student use and communications via the Internet and assume responsibility for what students do while on-line.

  2. Use only those services, information, or communications, which support instruction or professional development.


The district will not be responsible for costs incurred as a result of users accessing commercial computer networking service providers without the approval of the supervising administrator. Information on the AUP is available through this link:     


Content Viewed

Any student that views content inappropriate for the school environment should be reported to the Dean’s Office through Infinite Campus (for more information see, Incident Reports). The Dean’s Office will decide on a case-by-case basis whether a student’s actions merit being added to the AUP Violators List and lose privileges associated with computer use. Instructors do not have the authority to deny a student access to technology without first contacting the Dean’s Office.


Mistreatment of Laptops

Any student that mistreats in an extreme fashion (throwing, hitting, breaking, etc.) his or her laptop should be reported to the Dean’s Office through Infinite Campus (for more information see, Incident Reports). The Dean’s Office will decide on a case-by-case basis whether a student’s actions merit being added to the AUP Violators List and lose privileges associated with computer use. Instructors do not have the authority to deny a student access to technology without first contacting the Dean’s Office.


Student Photographs and Video

A student must have signed consent (AUP) from his or her parent/guarding to be included in photographs and videos posted on the Internet or any social media platform. Any photograph or video of a student posted without consent given is in violation of CCSD policy and may result in disciplinary action.

Your Progressive Discipline Plan

“Every teacher has the responsibility and the authority in the classroom to maintain a type of classroom atmosphere which will be conducive to a good learning situation.”  (NRS 391.270, 392.460)  At the very start of the school year, each teacher must explain clearly the type of behavior expected in the classroom and the consequences for misbehavior.  New students arriving after the first week of school must also be made aware of these expectations.


Staff members should familiarize themselves with the Clark County regulation and policy handbook (CCSD Reg. #5141) which covers classroom discipline, teacher responsibility, and corporal punishment.


Guidelines for Teachers in Handling Unacceptable Behavior
  1. A child must never be told by the teacher that he/she cannot return to class, nor that a parent must come in before a child may be readmitted to class.

  2. Students should never be asked to stand outside the classroom where they are unsupervised.

  3. A teacher should never impose a monetary fine for disciplinary purposes.

  4. A student must never be excluded or encouraged to be absent from class because of lack of a textbook or other materials.  If such a student becomes a behavior problem, or if the teacher cannot induce that student to recover or purchase another, the student should be referred to a counselor.

  5. Students are not to be deprived of any part of their lunch period or held at the end of any class for punishment or for special help.  They may be detained after school, or requested to report early to school for special help, or to make up time only after receiving 24 hours notice of this requirement.

  6. It is the policy of this school that corporal punishment will not be used for disciplinary purposes in strict adherence with CCSD policy and regulation 5141.


Developing your Progressive Discipline Plan

Students in middle school are going to make mistakes. It is the philosophy at this school to help students to learn to make positive behavioral choices. Every teacher must have a progressive behavior plan that addresses student misbehavior. These plans MUST include talking to students, calling and TALKING to parents, detentions, etc. The use of the Deans’ office will be the LAST resort.  Just like you would not send your child to your neighbor’s house to be disciplined, you should not send students to the dean to be disciplined.  Please utilize the recovery room and the counseling office when you create your plans. What is most critical is that students get a fresh start every single day in your classroom. Under no circumstance should a student be thrown out of class as soon as they walk in the room. Teachers will be subject to disciplinary action for this.


Example of a Progressive Discipline Plan

For nearly all types of misbehavior (excessive talking, coming to class unprepared, gum chewing, etc.) the procedures listed below are to be followed:


1.     One to one teacher/student conference.

2.     Speak with parent by telephone or conference.

3.     Referral to Counselor.

4.     Teacher detention

5.     Use of Recovery Room


Parent Involvement in Progressive Discipline

Communication with parents is considered one of the highest operational priorities of our school.  An on-going objective will be to increase our positive parent communications.  We will encourage parent involvement, parent contact by individual staff members, and a team (student/parent/school) approach toward student success.  All such communiqués must be “proof read” by your supervising administrator.


Written communication is a strong tool.  Letters sent to parents speak for the entire school; at least, the parent who receives the letter will take this to be the case.  Remember written words are irrevocable and emotionally arousing.  Each staff member is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the content of all communication is proper and that high standards of accuracy, neatness, legibility, spelling, punctuation, and syntax are maintained in materials and communications disseminated to parents or the community.  When using school letterhead, administrator approval is required before sending out.  A copy must be given to front office.


Parent Contacts

Parent contacts are most effective in addressing:

  1. The student’s academic progress or lack of progress.

  2. The student’s social progress or lack of progress.

  3. Any concerns expressed by the parent regarding the school program as it relates to their children.

  4. An invitation to establish communication with the school.


Personal parent contact will be an essential part of our educational program.  The praise and correction of student behavior is often most effectively handled in this manner.  Teachers are expected to make partners of parents in the education of their students.   


Parent Conferences

Most parent conferences will be scheduled through the counseling office.  For information on how to schedule a parent conference yourself, see the following section.



An email will be sent to confirm the schedule. These conferences take precedence over everything else. You must have administrative approval if you cannot attend your meeting. Teachers are expected to be timely and to conduct themselves in a positive manner. Remember, these are kids and they have the right to make mistakes, learn from them, and get a new start every day! If you anticipate a difficult conference, it may be advantageous to discuss it in advance with a counselor or administrator. Counselors will chair each grade level conference.


Scheduling a Parent Conference

Meeting with parents must be included in every instructor’s Progressive Discipline Plan. If a parent conference is necessary, call the parent/guardian listed on Infinite Campus to do so. Before making an appointment with the parent, check the calendar found on the Mack icon on Interact entitled, “Counselor Calendar” to verify that no other parent is scheduled for that day. Once a parent conference is scheduled, email the appropriate grade level counselor the following information:

  • The number and person called.

  • The date and time of the conference scheduled

  • Reasons for scheduling the conference


Resources for Developing a Progressive Discipline Plan

Love and Logic: A Strategy for Disarming Inappropriate Behavior










Ten Minute Zone (TMZ)

The use of the TMZ is to help students refocus their attention.  If a teacher chooses to use the TMZ, the procedures must be followed.  Under no circumstance should a student be sent out on recovery during the first or last 15 minutes of class, and all students must have the appropriate hall pass to be admitted to TMZ with specific information on why the student has been sent. Additionally, the TMZ will be closed between lunches, so the TMZ teacher has time to eat lunch.  

Dean’s Progressive Discipline Policy








Classroom discipline is largely a teacher responsibility and should, in most instances, be handled by the teacher.  However, if the teacher is confronted with a situation which cannot be handled, or a situation serious enough to warrant being brought to the attention of the office, the student should be sent directly to the deans’ office.  If necessary, call the office for assistance using the button located near the door or by phone at ext. 4200.


Teachers referring students to the office must use the electronic form and submit it to the Deans’ office.  Under no circumstances should a student be sent to the Deans’ office without a referral immediately following them.  These students will be handled by the administrative staff and kept out of class for the rest of the period.  Every effort will be made to address the issue before the student is scheduled to return to class. Please Note:  parents see all referrals.  Please ensure all communication is only about ONE student, and that all commentary is professional in nature.


Reasons for Immediate Referral to the Administrative Office
  • Alcohol or Drugs:  Any student suspected of possessing, or having recently used, or encouraging the illegal use by others of alcohol or drugs.


  • Smoking:  Any student caught in the act of smoking or in possession of tobacco in the school buildings or on the school grounds.  


  • Political Protest and Free Speech:  Any student requesting to bring speakers to school, distributing political or religious materials, requesting any meeting or assembly to be held on school property, organizing any meeting or assembly on school property.


  • Fighting:  Refer or bring to the office all students involved.


  • Insubordination:  Any student who refuses to follow the instructions of a teacher or staff member, or refuses to identify one’s self upon request.  Be specific in writing this referral.  Simply writing “insubordination” is not acceptable.


  • Use of Language:  Any student who directs to any school staff member obscene, vulgar, profane, or disrespectful words or actions.


  • Intimidation:  Verbal threats or physical abuse to any other student or staff member for any reason, including extortion and/or Discriminatory Harassment (see CCSD Regulation 5141.2)


  • Incitement to Riot:  Participation, physical or verbal, in any manner which creates a disturbance of any kind in or on school property.


  • Weapons:  (CALL OFFICE FOR ASSISTANCE.)  Possession of implements manufactured, used or intended for use as weapons.


  • Theft or Destruction of School Property:  Theft, forced entry, or willful or malicious destruction or defacing of school property.


Please indicate on referral form all the actions you have taken prior to the referral and complete all information requested on the referral form.


AB 521 – Alternatives for Disruptive Students Procedure

Assembly Bill 521 provides that each school shall have a plan for the Progressive Discipline of students.  The plan provides for the temporary removal of a student who seriously interferes with the ability of the teacher and other pupils in the classroom.  


Progressive Discipline Beyond the Classroom

Please keep in mind that any action taken by the Dean’s Office related to behavior is in accordance with Mack’s school-wide philosophy that students cannot learn if they are not in the classroom; therefore, it is the job of the Dean’s Office to resolve any problem quickly with the intent that the student will return to the instructor to continue his or her education. Any intent to “get rid” of a student by sending them out of the classroom could result in disciplinary action. The Dean’s Office keeps the staff up-to-date on daily disciplinary action taken through the Dean’s Addendum, a google doc that can be accessed through a link sent out by the Dean’s Office on Interact.


Ten Minute Zone (TMZ)

A component of Love and Logic, TMZ is designed to give students a ten-minute break from class to collect his or her thoughts or get a “restart” for that day. Many students need a short pause from a lesson or a situation to be successful for the day. Students should not be sent to TMZ during the first or last ten minutes of the class period. Students should also have a TMZ pass that explains the reason why the student was sent. TMZ should be a component of a teacher’s Progressive Discipline Plan.


Lunch Detentions

A student may be required to attend a Lunch Detention as a result of too many tardies or misbehavior. The Dean’s Office will send passes to students approximately ten minutes before lunch begins to serve their detentions. Please send these students to the cafeteria immediately.



Consistent misbehavior, too many tardies or other disciplinary issues may result in a student being given In-House detention (removal for an entire day from the classroom).


Required Parent Conference (RPC)


Student (STEP)

STEP is a program for students with extreme behavior needs. Students in the STEP program will arrive to school at a later time, have all classes in the portables and have a separate lunch schedule. This is a last resort for our students. Each instructor should share their Curriculum Engine with the appropriate staff members to ensure that student in the STEP program still receive instruction. All teachers of students in STEP are still responsible for the education of those students including, assignments, grades, tests, etc. Students will be sent to STEP on a case-by-case basis. 


Filling Out a Referral on Infinite Campus


Discipline Quick Docs
Dean's Progressive Discipline Policy
Your Progressive Discipline Plan
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